What is


SportsHub is a cloud-based membership management platform designed for Sports Federations and National Governing Bodies enabling them to achieve their strategic vision and mission, through four key benefits.

Long-term member satisfaction

Increase market reach and retention through digital activity and improved customer experience.

Business efficiencies and effectiveness

Reduce the staff time spent on manual processes and manage the effective use of your resources.

Revenue generation and sustainability

Create a commercially attractive, recognisable and meaningful brand and manage stakeholder relationships.

Business Development

Identify opportunities and drive growth through the analysis of customer interactions and data throughout the lifecycle.



SportsHub connects you with the leading solution partners that will help you maximise the use of the modules across your entire organisation. They can help you with the development of your marketing strategy for member acquisition, the design of your member journeys for better member engagement and retention of your commercial plan to become a self-sustainable organisation.

Health Check

A session run by our sports and data specialist team to understand your data use and requirements across your organisation and develop your unique SportsHub roadmap.

Core Modules

The two core modules of the SportsHub focused on creating workflows to manage the membership affiliations, including application, online payment and approval processes.

Add-on Modules

Member services modules built around the core modules aimed at reporting, member communications, event management, online shop creation, coach development and training.

SportsHub Clients

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